Ok so I know I wasn't going to post anything else until I finally got caught up. I also don't have any pictures to share (what good is a posting from me w/out a picture of my two adorable babies)! But I just have to share this story & brag on my amazing son for a moment. First let me say if you are just starting to read my blog don't think...'oh my goodness she is one of "those" Mom's that thinks her children are perfect'...oh no! I will share the good, the bad and the very ugly!...so check back :)
So with that said let me move on to the good, the amazing, the boy who makes me proud to be a Mom every day of my life.
I went on a field trip yesterday morning w/ Kaden's class to the Tellus Museum. For you non-Cartersvillians that is a wonderful science museum right here in our backyard. Anyways, the trip was going well. Kaden's class was split up into boys and girls. The boys went w/ another class that was on the field trip, which happened to include the apple of Kaden's eye, little Reese. We learned all about insects & spiders & had a lot of hands on activities. Then the trip took a turn into the very kid friendly gift shop filled w/ all kinds of goodies. They stopped the group and explained that they could look & even touch just please put it back if you didn't buy it. Buy it! All the kiddos were asking their teacher..."We can buy something?" Well if you have the money she replied. Ok...they are 5 & 6 they don't have a wallet in thr back pocket and I was only 1 of 4 chaperones so most of them did not have a parent/grandparent w/ them. I told Kaden to quietly pick something out and I would come back and get it for him. His friend Jonathan was standing by and overheard and when I turned and seen his little face it was so sad. He said "Can you buy me something Kaden's Mom?"...Well of course I can when you say it like that. Next thing I knew I had an audience of little boys. As Kaden looked around he pulled me down and said "Mommy, I don't want anything but can you buy my friends something; they don't have any parents to get them anything."
This hit home for me in such a big way! I was so proud of him to recognize the wants of others & not put his wants/desires first.
I bought each of the kids a small token to bring home from their field trip and of course quietly let Kaden & Jonathan pick out a little something extra. As I gave each of them there little brown bag when they were boarding the bus and seen their smiles and even received a few hugs I seen Kaden looking at me w/ a big smile...was he also proud of me??
It was a good day.