Sunday, January 24, 2010

Missing in Action

Today was my first day back to reality... up until this point I had been removed from society and all traces of my life for almost 9 straight days. It all started the evening of Friday the 15th. As I tell my story keep in mind that Keith was out of town for this whole epidemic so I was home alone! On the night of the 15th Kaden and I both became restless, achy, and just uncomfortable. I could feel it coming but had no idea what was in store for me. At 4am it hit me...I never threw up so much in my whole life! Kaden was not far behind me. I thought it may be food poisoning so I called in reinforcements as Kaden and I were both hovered over the same trash can and kendall was screaming in between us in my bed. My Dad came to the rescue and continued to watch over Kaden while I got in some much needed rest for a couple of hours. My mom and dad were with us for the majority of the afternoon helping out, bringing in truckloads (literally if you know my Dad) of Gatorade, jello, vitamin water, and soup. Then miraculously Sunday we were ok, tired and weak, but good. Not so fast...Monday was horrible again for me...I will spare you the details but lets just say I decided at this point I had the stomach flu. Kaden seemed good. Then around 2am Kendall woke up and projectile vomited all over herself, me and the bed...the poor bed, I have just thrown away most of my bedding! I was so worried about Kendall I finally fell back asleep w/ her on my chest. At 6am she had round #2 but after that she seemed good w/ just a lack of appetite and tired from her night. I kept Kaden out of school just in case. Tuesday was a good day, but we just stayed in. So I decided I would send him to school the next day, Wednesday. It was also the big day for my youngest sister Jenna, she was being admitted into the hospital to deliver her 2nd baby girl, Journi. I was so excited to meet my new niece but decided it would be best to keep our distance w/ our recent illness. My day started at 5am on Wednesday morning as I woke up w/ a strange lump in my throat. I decided it was just from the vomiting and sleep deprivation and that I just needed to push through my day. I got Kaden off to school. When I got home it took all I had in me just to get back inside and lay on the couch. Kendall was not having it so I got up got a shower got her ready and was about to head out the door to run errands when....I shut my poor baby girls pinky and ring finger in the pantry door! She screamed for 10 minutes so I called the pediatrician and decided to rush her in to see him to make sure her fingers were ok. Thank goodness they were. While we were there I had him check her out b/c of her recent stomach issues. Well, turns out she had an ear infection. Then it was off to get Kaden and get him to basketball practice. I must of been running on adrenaline because as soon as I sat down at his practice the body chills literally took over me. My Mom and Saige came to watch Kaden and waste some time before heading to see Jenna at hospital (she was not progressing very well). At that point I told my Mom that I may be running a fever. "Push through it" I told myself. The drive home was nearly impossible. I unloaded the kids and got into the house. Luckily one of Keith's employees was in his home office working. I went and got her and explained that I felt so sick I needed to get to a doctor now and asked if she would watch the kids. I almost couldn't drive from the chills, but I made to a nearby urgent care. The result, I was running a 103 fever and had strep throat...wonderful! It is the absolute worst feeling in the world as a parent to not have enough strength or control over your own body to even take care of your children. But yet I had to...Keith was out of town along with my sister Lindsey and my Dad and my Mom was at the hospital w/ Jenna who was giving birth! Bad timing! Luckily we have a saint of a babysitter who Keith called in to help me. Within an hour she was there to help. She was wonderful I just went into bed and she fed the kids, bathed them, played w/ them and put them to their own beds, which doesn't happen often. Of course around 11pm Kendall woke up and I just brought her into bed w/ me as my attempts to get her back to sleep in her crib did not go well. As you all know when you are sick, your whole body aches, well imagine having your hair pulled over and over again during this horrible aching...yes, my daughter loves to play w/ my hair to fall asleep...pure torture on this night! Then at 4am here comes Kaden. Obviously I didn't send him to school on Thursday, nor attend Kendall's music class, or do anything for that matter. I didn't even get to see or hold my beautiful baby niece who was born on Wednesday night. Thursday was a very very long day. I ran fevers on and off and rarely got off the couch. My little man was something of a saint. My four year old got me Gatorade, answered the phone, entertained Kendall, got them snacks and even semi changed a couple of diapers!!!! Kaden was amazing...I don't know what I would have done w/out him. We ordered in Chinese for dinner that no one ate much of. On the bright side both kids seemed to be feeling fine. We get in the bed early...good thing b/c at 11pm Kendall starts throwing up again. There is no end in sight! Then light at the end of the tunnel, Keith takes a red eye flight home and walks in the door at 9am. It was like seeing a saint that quickly disappeared as he was off to work just as quickly as he appeared, but he brought Kaden w/ him (wait there goes my help)! At this point though I was feeling a lot better, although my throat hurt like hell, and Kendall was doing good. Nap time. We kept it low key and went to Ocharley's for dinner so I could get some soup. Kaden loves this place but didn't want to eat and said his belly hurt. We get home and get ready for bed. We are saying our good nights when the flood gates open and Kaden vomits all over our bedroom. Seriously, the place should be quarantined. Saturday I felt much better and the kids even seemed fine to the point they were running around the house like crazy people as cabin fever set in. So far we have had 3 days with no vomiting and only minimal visits to the potty if you get my drift! Keith complained last night of a sour which I replied really...really!!!
So there is my journal of a story as to why I have been absent from my own life this past week. I have a ton of blogging to catch up on and I know you are all anxious to meet Ms. Journi so I promise to get lots of pictures up this week.

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