Monday, October 12, 2009

Sleepless Beauties

Don't let this picture fool kids are the worst sleepers ever, but by far the best snugglers. Since Kendall got sick we have found that her new sleeping schedule involves her waking up around 3am for snacking and a little play before she goes back to bed TWO HOURS LATER and then is up and ready to go again at 8am...
In an effort to stop the madness I'm trying to make her day nap longer and push back her bedtime and dinner to keep her sleeping through the night.
Kaden sleeps in our bed on "movie night," which is just his way of saying we all watch tv or a movie in our bed and have a night of snuggling and little sleep for Mommy and Daddy. I also do bring him in my bed a lot when Keith is out of town :)

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